Susan Johnson (Burgess)
I won't be able to attend the reunion this year but wish you all good times and it has been great catching up via the website

My life since 1966: I attended college at SDSM&T, Medical College of Georgia, and Georgetown University. I have been married to the wonderful Dan Johnson for nearly 47 years. We have two children, Brionna and Zachary and 4 darling little granddaughters ranging from 2 years to 7 years. We have lived all over the United States, but the last 24 years in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am retired from the University of California San Francisco where I had a career as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. My days are filled with gardening, book clubs, biking, swimming, MOOC classes, mindfulness meditation, seeing friends, dates with Dan, and loving on my granddaughters.
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